I heard back from my midwife yesterday (the one in Texas that delivered Eissa...love getting her input). She's concerned about my low platelet count since that puts me in a state where I'm at a higher risk of hemorrhage with birth (I'm concerned too). So, now I'm not only taking the extra iron, but I'm also taking extra Vitamin C and Folic Acid (I say extra just because all of this is included in the prenatal vitamins I'm taking). I will be getting my iron levels tested, but also my platelets again...weekly (although I only have 2 1/2 weeks until my due date). I'm really ready for this baby to come in so many ways now (remember how I said I wasn't ready on Monday...that part was pretty much cured with just one afternoon with Jesus). But, I think it's better it didn't. Still we would love to have those boxes, at least the one from the midwife. But, also it'd be best if some of my lab work was given some time to improve. Keep praying. It's all a little nerve-racking at times. Having a baby here in general is, but to have all these health issue added on...it's a challenge to me to stay focused, content, and trusting God for my every need.
Oh, also I have this burning in my left hip and down my leg. It's probably just because of the way the baby is positioned...probably quite low at this point and on a nerve or something. It is QUITE uncomfortable. It would be nice if this went away too. :-) Nothing unbearable, but still painful. Feels like a really bad sunburn except that it is really sensitive to any touch (more than just a sunburn)...it's weird.
I'm still really tired too, but again...hopefully that will be straightened out soon with all these extra things I'm taking to boost my levels. It was definitely the right decision to not go to Portuguese class this week. I'm thinking I might be done with it altogether. I really hate that, but unless a really quick miracle happens, this (my health) is what we are going to be focussing on until the baby comes. After baby comes recovery and then we will figure out what to do about Portuguese interaction for me.
As far as the boxes (or the one box that is being detained), Joel was able to scrounge up some numbers from somewhere late yesterday evening, so hopefully one of those will work when he calls them today. Bureaucracy, red tape, and customs...so annoying.
So, there's the update. As far as the title of this post...if you don't have Baby Signing Time videos for your kiddos, they are really great. Such a great way for your kids to learn some of another language (in this case, sign language). Wish they had something similar for Portuguese.
The older 2 kids are still asleep...they had kind of a rough night. But, Eissa slept like a log and woke up early. We were just sitting at the table and she asked me to watch Baby Signing Time. How did she ask me (she's not really talking alot)? She signed 'more' (and she actually says 'more' as she signs it) and then signed 'baby.' She kept doing it and so finally I asked her if she wanted to watch Baby Signing Time. She smiled really big and nodded her head frantically...then took off to the TV room. Hilarious. She's really growing up.
Here are some pictures I just took of her really into the signing.
So cute. I should get those for our kids. I'm sure even an almost 9 year old would love them, right?!
About the leg pain, that sounds odd. Although, I had my share of odd happenings in the last pregnancy, I'd tell your doctor about it, just in case.
I'm praying for all to be perfect. God is in control, and He knows just how to raise your platelet and iron counts. He will not abandon you in this time.
I love you!
I actually did ask my midwife about it, telling her what I had been assuming it was. She agreed. I'm hoping that's all it is. I'm believing that's all it is. :-) Time will tell.
And, absolutely...your older kids would love those videos. *I* love those videos. :-)
Thanks for your prayers and comfort. It means alot. My midwife also said, "I have had a few people with this and they were just fine so don't let the enemy scare you with my words. I just want you to be aware of what to do." That's what I want...to not be fearful, but to be aware and able to pray it away...and be able to treat it wisely. Thanks.
Praying for comfort for you! You are so great at keeping us all updated...I love it! :)
~ Ali
I love baby sign language! We got a book at the library when Coleman was a baby! Its amazing how well they can communicate and how early! Ava Grace can pretty much follow most simple - one step requests....like go get a diaper, can you find your shoes for me? ...etc! Its amazing how much they learn so fast! :) Isn't fun!?! I've never heard of a baby signing video...sounds great! :)
~ Ali
Aunt Cheryl had something like this when she was expecting one of her babies. I remember watching her walk with one leg thrown out at the hip. I told her one day I would be so glad when she had that baby because it hurt me to watch her walk. Of course, she said she would be glad when she had that baby too. You can ask her what it was with her.
Sorry about the hip/leg pain. It could be the sciatic nerve. I have had problems with mine since I started jogging in 2001. Sometimes it is very painful to the touch on the outside of my thigh. It is also common to have sciatic problems with pregnancy, so I wouldn't be too worried.
As for Signing Times videos, my girls loooove them too. I used to check them out at the library for Trinity, but they didn't have them here in Des Moines so we bought the first 4 for Angelina's 1st birthday. (good deals to be had on Amazon.com)
Grace and peace,
Amy Case
I love the picture of her signing! We are a HUGE Signing Time family. My triplet boys started signing at one and then know their lower and upper case letters, numbers, and so many more signs and they aren't even 3 yet! Have you seen all of the new dvds they have out? Check them out at www.signingtime.com!
So cute. I am amazed daily at how big Merrae is getting as she is more able to communicate with me and let me know what she needs. It'd be fun to get those two together!
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