My new favorite picture of our kiddos. SO fun!!
Just wanted to give you an update on our trip to Goiania. We had a great day...a great LAST day of baby-less adventure. :)
First we went to the doctor. We got some good news there in that I'm now 1cm dilated. :) I take all I can get. I think I was dilated to 1cm with both the girls before labor actually started. I'm always just thankful for at least 1. :)
Effacement he said was 20-30%. Weird...I thought he said last time that I was 50% effaced, but maybe he said 15%. :) Whatever.
After the doctor's appt., we went to the mall. We were just going to go inside and eat at the food court, but noticed that, guess what was open? OUTBACK!! We've been trying to go there ever since it opened back in December I think (maybe Jan., I can't remember). It never has worked out and then they stopped opening for lunch altogether. Well, just this week they started opening again for lunch. Another gift from God I think. :) Really, so nice of Him to give me that little treat before the baby comes.
We also got another treat...a movie. I really wanted to see that movie "Juno"...I've heard it was really good. But, it wasn't showing until later. So, we saw "Vantage Point" instead. A really good movie, by the way. We got done with that movie and were actually going to go see "Juno" after that...I know...crazy kids...2 movies at once. We are obviously well aware that this won't happen again for a while. :)
Anyhoo, I went to the bathroom and had some "bloody show" (sorry, might be more than you want to know). So, we decided to come home instead. :)
What does that mean? Nothing technically. It could still be several days before labor starts. It could be that I had that only because I had an internal check today. Last time I had bloody show though, my labor started immediately. That hasn't happened this time...nothing going on (and it's been several hours). We are all ready now though. Still didn't get our box, but that's O.K. So, 2 things...
1. I've never even told anyone that I thought I might be going into labor soon. Everyone has just found out after the fact. But, thought I might just let everyone go ahead and you can be praying for us. I'm personally praying for no back labor and no tearing this time. That would just be icing on the cake of course, following health for all of us and a great, progressive, "easy", good labor.
2. STAND BY. :) Like I said, it might be days before things take off. You might be seeing pictures of the kids' Easter program yesterday on here tomorrow. Then Saturday you might see a picture of me still pregnant at 40 weeks, my due date. :) But, just wanted to give you a heads-up, okey dokey?
We'll keep you posted. And, thanks so much for the prayers!!
Easter! Easter baby, Easter baby, Easter baby!
He He He!
Yippee! I'm excited for you guys. I know it's so tough at this point to see the signs of labor coming soon, but waiting. It's also so exciting. I'm praying for a good labor and and "easy slide" for you and the baby.
thanks for the update and all the details. praying for you!
I am so excited for you! Praying for you all day long!
So glad that you got some fun time in before the big day.I can't believe you didn't share what you ate at Outback :)
We saw that movie too! It got a little funny how it kept rewinding.
I know this is all beside the point when ...There's a baby coming!!!!
I'm praying! Especially about the back labor...I know way too much about that and I'm praying for no tearing! :) I'll also be praying for you as you labor for comfort and encouragement through the whole process! Can't wait to hear your birth story for baby #4 in the next few weeks! :) I'm excited for you guys!
~ Ali
I had back labor with both Jared and Tucker. Only front labor with you. None of it was a picnic. But so worth it in the end. Praying for a quick, easy delivery and a healthy baby (boy).
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