Friday, May 02, 2008

Why Don't We Know This?

Looks like, after a full day's worth of investigation yesterday (of and off of course...other things to do too), it is very true. One of the 3 actions of the birth control pill (ALL birth control pills from what I've seen in research) is literally an abortion. wonder the pill is so effective. If it fails to prevent fertilization, then doggone it, it'll just refuse a home for the wee one, therefore killing it off. Nice. Grrr!

And seriously...why don't we all know that about the pill? I personally had no idea. It should be common knowledge, esp. among evangelical Christians (or anyone pro-life). If not common knowledge (there are still people who don't talk about such things in mixed company), at least within the ladies' groups. It makes me sick to think that I took that kind of pill for a full year (little over) after we were married. Do we have any little fertilized eggs in heaven I wonder?

I don't feel guilty. I hate that it happened that way, but we were completely ignorant of it. But, I'm just saying...we should've known. My doctor was a very pro-life Christian...what gives (again that phrase...don't you just love it)? I have to assume that most people just don't know, just like I didn't. From the comments and emails that I got yesterday, I would say that that assumption is true. I personally want to now spread the word and hopefully you will too.

I looked at MANY websites yesterday, but one is a great website that one of the commentor's yesterday mentioned. She and her sister-in-law did a whole series just recently about things related to this topic. It is very, very interesting and so very informative. You should check it out here.

In other news (completely unrelated except that it concerns babies I guess), we just got an email saying that we were awarded that diaper grant from Cotton Babies that I told you about a while back. WOOHOO!! We are so very excited about that. It is a super deal and includes:

¨ 15 bumGenius One-Size diapers – 3 white, 4 butternut, 4 twilight, 4

¨ 2 packages of Cotton Babies flannel wipes

¨ 2 extra one-size inserts

¨ 1 XL Bummis Tote (purple)

¨ 1 S Bummis Tote (red)

¨ 1 bottle bum Genius! Bottom Cleaner

Is that awesome or what? Thank You Jesus!

So, back to topic, if any of you research all of this birth control stuff and find out any new info., please share. Not all people are at the point where they want to abandon all forms of birth control. For those people, seriously...check out that blog I mentioned above. She did a post about each form of birth control...very interesting stuff. There are several other forms of birth control that I never realized are also abortifacient. Lots to learn and think about.


Wendy said...

I am sorry that I had to comment again but I am wondering if the medical educators just don't present it as "abortion." When I straight out asked my Christian doctor if the abortion thing happened with the pill, she said "no". When I explained to her why I felt that it did. She just said that if I feel that way about it I shouldn't take it. Do they make doctors take an oath to not say anything bad about the pill??!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info and the links for further reading! I used the mini pill after each baby when breastfeeding. What's the scoop on the mini pill? Same deal?

When AG was 8 months a friend told me her Dr. prefered her not to take the mini-pill while breastfeeding because it interfered with the breastfeeding baby's absorption of protein. Her Dr. (who happens to go to my church) suggested using plain old condoms or just nothing. I told Piper and we talked about it and decided that seemed reason enough for stop the mini-pill.

Let me know if you know if any more about the mini pill?

~ Ali

Michawn said...


Those sites that I mentioned talked about the mini-pill too, so you can get all the info. you want there.

Anonymous said...

from my research, there ARE pills that do not do the "aborting factor". those are the ones i choose to be on.

Amanda said...

Michawn, from my research, and very briefly, I saw, too, that all American-made pills do abort. None of them contain a high enough level of estrogen to prevent conception, because of the side effects high levels of estrogen were causing. They all have the added abortion-causing and uterus-thinning effects because the low levels of hormones used now do not prevent the sperm reaching the egg successfully enough. When Johan did his research just 4 years ago, he didn't find anything saying all pills were bad. It makes me wonder if it's only been discovered over the past few years that all BC pills are abortifacient. (Found that research on several sites, but mainly Randy Alcorn's synopsis of his book about it.) Well, now I have to figure out what to do about my PCOS. I'm glad you asked the question!! You are always challenging people to get the facts about things!

Phyllis said...

I happened upon your blog because one of your readers commented on mine... which pointed me to the fact that you've linked to our series. I'm so thankful that it's been helpful to more than our group of friends and family! At the beginning of the series, I sent an e-mail to all of the women in my address book letting them know they were welcome to follow along. And it's AMAZING how many women have either said that it's been helpful to finally have resources to examine or that they too have come to the same conclusions after their own research.

Several of these women also happen to have PCOS or endometriosis. They have found that there are quite a few nutritional things that can help with or even remove the symptoms of these problems. For example, one of my friends who has trouble with PCOS cut out all white flour, white sugar, most dairy, pork, and one or two other things that I can't remember off hand. Her symptoms went away. Another friend simply cut out white flour and white sugar, ate a balanced diet otherwise, and exercised... and her symptoms were relieved. (Please don't take these as official recommendations, because I want to check the resources for sure.) We are doing additional research on these two issues in particular simply because there are so many women who are diagnosed with these problems and want to know what they can do if the pill is not an option.

I was just noticing that there were a couple of people who mentioned PCOS on your blog, so I thought I'd send a note to say that the Lord has given hope even for these people, which is encouraging. It seems like it might require some discipline (but taking a pill every morning requires some discipline too). However, it also seems much better to actually get rid of the problems instead of just masking them. I will say though that these friends found that when they got lazy about their food choices, their symptoms returned... so it's not a once-and-for-all fix... just like the pill isn't a one-time deal.

I'll stop rambling now, but I'd also like to ask if you wouldn't mind sending any information you find our way as well. It can never hurt to have extra resources!

Blessings to your family!!!


Mary said...

It is nice to see this being discussed. At postpartum visits with clients, My mom and I always tell people about this possibility. They are usually shocked!

Mary Gibbons(By the way, I finally started a blog...we will see if I can keep up with it)

Unknown said...

I've just begun reading about something called Neem Oil....supposed to be completely natural from the Neem plant, taken internally by the man. I don't know much about it, but has some interesting info...

Anonymous said...

I guess I have the opposite fertility issues from you Michawn! Haha! We are doing our best to get pregnant! Thankful for your post and the links to research the mini-pill. I'm not planning on using the mini-pill this time if I'm blessed with another baby. No reason to we aren't that fertile and if its causing abortions its the principle. Thanks for getting me thinking!

~ Ali

DyessFam said...

Yay! This is awesome. I'm loving it! Keep at it!!!!!


trent and kay said...

Sorry I'm chiming in so late, but I thought what I've learned might help whoever reads this later. I also did some research on the pill about a year ago only because my husband overheard it in someone else's conversation. No doctor had ever said anything to me about it, and it was not written anywhere on my birth control information. We looked into several conservative Christian websites and still couldn't get a definitive answer on this. But when we looked in an official U.S. Health book, it explained that this is one of the methods of birth control. Clear as day, as objectively as possible, it listed it as one of the ways birth control pills work. We immediately stopped using the pill and started what is called the "Billings Method," a completely natural way to tell when you are ovulating. You can find the book on It is highly effective and a great way to understand your body.