Monday, December 24, 2007

Good Ole Santy Claus - Part 2

We don't do the Santa thing. :-) Hee hee hee. Were you expecting something different given my ranting in the previous post? Well, here's the explanation (it's obviously not because of the typical arguments that I just shared with you yesterday)...

Although I grew up with the whole Santa concept, Joel did not. Since he didn't grow up with "the game," it really does feel awkward. It's like for people who didn't grow up playing with guns (toy guns)...cops and robbers, cowboys and indians...playing with guns, pointing at someone and saying "pow"...that also feels awkward and wrong. I know how it feels to play the Santa game and what to say and just all of it. But, Joel is not acquainted at all, so it's just foreign and weird to him (kind of like all of this foreign Brasil stuff to me...some of it just feels downright wrong...more on that in another post).

Anyway, we had thought about possibly just doing Santa, but I would handle all the questions, etc. We decided that that would be awkward too...kind of like Joel speaking Portuguese to the kids from the start was awkward. I didn't know what he was saying...I wasn't really participating (in their conversation) it was just weird. So, we just decided that we wouldn't do Santa.

And guess's been fine. At first I thought it was going to be really sad to give up that part of my childhood. It was fun. It was exciting. But, I haven't felt any void either. So either way, in my book, Santa doesn't have to be a big deal. If you do it, great. If you don't, who really cares. It's your focus that counts. You as parents are in charge of the focus you give your children, the perspective. If you do Santa, make sure you give your children the right focus. If you don't do Santa, again...make sure the focus is right. Not doing Santa does not ensure that your focus is fact I know several parents who kind of down others for doing Santa...what is that teaching your children?

So what do we tell the kids about Santa? Nothing. We don't tell them that there's a man that some people believe in but they are wrong. We don't talk about how misguided the people who do the Santa thing are. We don't tell them that those parents lie to their children. So actually hasn't even come up. We do have books that talk about Santa in them...our kids have never even asked about him. Maybe once or twice...can't remember. But, if that even happened, we just said that was Santa and left it at that. I was just reading a book to the kids the other night. There is a story that has Santa in it in one of the books we were reading. I asked them who that was and they said Santa Claus. I'm not sure what they think of who he is and what he does, but they've never questioned. I know they will, but it hasn't happened yet. One thing is for sure...we certainly want to be respectful and not ruin the Santa game for anyone who does play.

(Update: As I get ready to post this today, I have a funny story for you. I wrote this a while back, but today when we told the kids that today is Christmas Eve, Grady said, "Oh, is Santa coming over?" So hilarious. I asked him who Santa is and what he does...he said that he brings presents for little kids. It's a good sign...he's definitely paying attention when I read him books. :-) So, what will we tell him? We just laughed when he said that this morning. We (me and Joel) talked about it after we just ignore it or do we address the Santa many options. It's so fun figuring out what to do each step of the way with our kids. They really keep you on your toes. I think we might share the story of the real St. Nick and just go from there answering any questions...and not answering questions that aren't asked. I have a feeling though, as long as they get gifts they aren't going to care who they are getting them from. :-) Sounds selfish, but they are kids...that's normal. I like getting gifts too.)

What do we do for Christmas and gifts and such? Well, last year was the first time that we actually got to start developing our own traditions and doing what we wanted to do with the day/holiday. That was the first time we weren't traveling. So, it was glorious actually.

We got each of our kids 3 gifts...going from the story of Jesus and how He also got 3 gifts from the Wise Men. We saw that as a great explanation for our kids, a great way to point to Jesus in their lives (and how to live like He did), and a great way to just be practical and not accumulate too much or spend too much. Stocking stuffers are not included in those gifts, but usually stocking stuffers are just little things or fruit or candy anyway. It's Brazilians, our kids are still spoiled, even with just 3 gifts each. Most Brazilian kiddos only get one gift from their parents. :-)

Starting this year, as far as gifts go, we plan to also get the kids to pick out 3 of their own toys that they don't want or need anymore. We will then take them to the orphanage that is just a couple of streets over from our house. We will give them a pile of toys to choose from, so it won't be anything really super valuable or things that we think they still need to play with (update...we have already done this, but just haven't taken them over to the orphanage yet). It's not like we're busting at the seams with toys or anything. Since we've moved so much, we've had to keep our belongings to a minimum anyway, toys included. But, we do have some pretty crappy toys...things like from Happy Meals and such that are floating around. Even though they aren't the best toys to us, they would be great treasures to these kids. That makes us sound like rich snobs, but compared to these kids, we are super rich, even though we live quite simply.

Anyway, what we did last year on Christmas day...and what we plan this year too is...we wake up and let the kids open one gift at a time, one person at a time. It's really fun. Then we have breakfast (pancakes is usually our fun breakfast of choice...but, maybe some chocolate muffins that we got in a package in the stuff). We just play...and make a cake...a birthday cake...for Jesus. Then we might have some lunch, or maybe not depending on how late our breakfast is (last year we didn't). Then it's time for naps. When the kids wake up, we play some more, have supper, put icing on the cake, and have our birthday party. Of course, Christmas music is playing the whole day. And, I'm sure hot chocolate will be had all around.

Anyhoo, that's our day. Not sure what we'll do for Christmas Eve this year. Maybe open one gift from Granny or a movie and have the Christmas story (although we've been reading Christmas books and the Christmas story for the whole of December). I'll keep you posted. This will be our first year not at Granny Hough's house (although we did miss one family Christmas the year Grady was due on Dec. 21st...didn't come 'til Jan. 3rd, but again...that's another story).

I don't know if you know this or not, but I LOVE Christmas. So much fun. I'll let you know how it all turns out and what we did and such...and I'm sure I'll include some pictures too.

HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Happy Birthday, Jesus!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you all!

May you have a beautiful time celebrating His birth.



Leah said...

You are sly!
I like the reasoning behind your not celebrating Santa. Very good perspective on the matter.
I, too, celebrated Santa when I was a child, but I knew nothing of Jesus.
When I learned of Jesus, even as an older child, I had to relearn how to view God.
For some reason, I still translated that "Santa gives when you are good" concept to God. Not at all good for someone trying to grasp the concept of grace.
Anyway, we read the story of Saint Nicolas to our children, and they love it. They like the idea of a man giving in honor of Jesus, because...that's what Jesus would do, and what we should do.
In 2008, we plan on taking 5 names from the Angel tree and allowing each child to 'buy' a gift for the name on the Angel tree tag. This is an idea I saw on another blog, and will allow our children to share in the joy of giving at Christmas time.
I have another friend, also, that recieved 3 gifts at Christmas each year, again because Jesus got three gifts. I like this tradition, and I think we will adopt it as our own.
All in all, there are so many ways we can bring the truth of Christmas to the day. Gifts, Saint Nicolas, birthday cake...all of these are wonderful. I even have a friend that seperates Advent from Christmas. Interesting idea.
So, I've written a lot here, but happy to see your views about ALL of Christmas.

kris said...

not sure if this is a forum for discussion or you if are just stating what you think....but here's what i think:
interesting. and i almost completely disagree!
i think all of the arguments that you listed are legitimate. And no matter how you look at (telling your kids about santa)santa being or not being a lie…you are still choosing to deceive your children.
as Christians, we are to be completely separate from the world…
and the world uses santa as a distraction from the true meaning (jesus).

Michawn said...

Interesting, Kris. I was, as I stated, posting about what we do and why, because lots of friends and family of ours (from both sides of the fence) have asked over the years. But, I'm fine with discussion too of course.

Yeah...looks like that's just one of those things we disagree on. There are many things that are black and white topics for Christians. There is definite right and wrong. But, this is just one area that I don't feel is a black and white issue.

Of course I don't think the arguments I stated are legitimate across the board since I don't believe them myself. I know that some people believe that way...and some have even felt the way I said (as I stated). But, having grown up with the experience of Santa and having NOT AT ALL the feeling of being deceived, of course I wouldn't agree with that. I also don't agree that the world uses Santa as a distraction from Jesus. I think that the world enjoys Santa...and that in turn causes some people (even some Christians) to be distracted. But, you can also choose not to be distracted...even if you do the Santa thing.

So, yeah...we pretty much totally disagree. :-) Nothing wrong with that...everyone has different opinions about lots of different things. If it were a matter that I considered black and white, this is right and this is wrong kind of thing, that would be different. I don't.

And Leah...I wanted to thank you for sharing the history behind your perspective. Makes total sense.

Amanda said...

I have to say I was one of those kids that was disappointed when I found out people led me to believe something was true that wasn't real. I'm just a realist, always was. I like what you guys are doing. I also agree that it's totally the parents' decision and we should never teach our children that other families are doing something wrong, just different. Anyway, my parents never talked about Santa, but our extended family told us enough and my parents were just quiet about it...not lying to us, but not dashing our belief that Santa was going to bring us presents. I like that, but we are doing more about celebrating Jesus' birth. We have been somewhat random because of traveling plans for the last few years, kind of like you guys. What we do includes the story of Jesus' birth and talking about it, praying, opening gifts, then breakfast and playing. We have tried to incorporate me leading us in Christmas songs, but that's hit and miss when I'm pregnant (my callouses don't stay very well with my body healing itself so fast all the time). I like the three gift thing you guys did and why. We did 3 as well, but mostly because that's what we can usually afford and we don't want to spoil them silly. We did explain that the gifts were from Mommy and Daddy and we gave them because it was Jesus' birthday "party" and gifts were given to celebrate Jesus' birth. Johan's parents did a thing where they decide what they will give Jesus, like a worship song sung to him, or an area of life you need to give better to him, or whatever God leads...but they share them all together as a family (all along with a birthday cake where they sing the birthday song to Jesus). Pretty cool. My kiddos are not old enough to get that, but someday we'll do it too.

Steph said...

well, some people will not eat meat that has been sacrificed to idols while others believe the meat is perfectly fine. as for us we eat meat and were playing Santa tonight. these are all "disputable matters" but we can all still get along....

Merry CHRISTmas!
The Britt's

Ryder was just singing "happy Birthday" to Jesus just this afternoon...all on his own.