Saturday, July 12, 2008

Big Brother

Grady is seriously the best big brother ever. He has such a great model in his Daddy of how to take care of the "women-folk." But, he is just so sweet and kind and gentle with his girls. I love to watch it.

Went outside to find this one day.
Eissa was so sleepy.

Sleepy Eissa went down for a nap. I came out from putting Eissa down and saw this...Grady reading (more like acting out the story, really) to Hadley.

All of these pictures were taken in May. As I was putting together this blog post, I looked outside to see some more brotherly/sisterly activity (literally minutes ago). I had to snap some shots.
Yes, she is doing what you think she is doing. Ahh, my little country kids. :)
These first 2 pictures were taken from inside, through the window.

I went outside and asked what they were doing. Here are the exact words I got from Hadley: "We was peeing on the grass! (very excited tone and pitch) Grady pees higher." Interesting observation.
Grady was telling me all about the big adventure they were on and how they were "about to go to another place." Look at their bikes all equipped for their big trip.
No, I didn't tell him to strike this pose...he just did. He had no idea I was putting together a post about his sweet big brother self...this is just what comes natural.

So sweet. So fun. I love my kids.


js said...

I love your kids too! You are doing such a great job. You have great kids.

Anonymous said...

What a great big brother! :) Such cute pics of your sweet kids!

~ Ali

Unknown said...

i wish i was like grady when i was a kid.

sooo cute!