Joel had to come to Brasilia to get his medical evaluation done to be able to fly at the flight school. At the flight school he alternates between maintenance training and flight training, so last week he did maintenance and this week he went to the flight area. But, he's only been able to accompany students on their flights. He wanted to do that, just to observe, see how they teach, what they teach (it's done very differently here he says). But, he needed to get this medical eval. out of the way so that he can fly too. It is a very detailed medical eval. He has to have an ECG, EKG, EEG, blood tests galore, full body x-rays (dental too)...I mean everything. They want their pilots healthy here. :)
Priscilla will be leaving us on Monday to head back to the states. So, we decided to take advantage of her last few days here and Asa and I chose to tag along on this little Brasilia adventure. Oh, so nice. I am sitting in a nice cushiony bed with about 8 pillows and crisp white sheets. There is carpet on the floor, an air conditioner and heater in the room, the best shower head you ever wanted to use, and water at the sink. :) Oh, and the TV has English channels...sing with me now...ha-le-lu-ya. :) We ate at Outback yesterday and will be eating at TGIFriday's before we head out today. We went to a bookstore yesterday where I also got a couple of books...English ones. Also, here at the hotel, the staff speaks English...mostly. :)
Like I said, we will be heading back this afternoon. Back to reality, back to Brasil (when I'm here, esp. in the hotel, I forget I'm in another country), and back to daily adjusting. It's good...I'm not's just difficult at times of course. So I do thank God greatly for these "breaks" He provides me with. So very nice. I'm loving it.
I will leave you with a few pictures that were taken last time we were in Brasilia, for the 4th of July thing. Brasilia is the capitol of the nation remember, so all of these building in the first few pictures are all the government buildings and such. Enjoy a look at where we are.
Do you normally have hot water in your showers? Kay doesn't. She said that it's difficult to get used to. How is the language coming? Kay has learned so much faster since she actually came to Peru. She learned more in her first two weeks than she'd learned in two years here.
Yes, thank God for shower heads with heaters in them. That's how it works here. And yeah, I'm able to converse with the basics. You do pick it up so fast, just to get by...sink or swim thing. So sad Kay has to take cold showers.
Hey! I have a friend here, in the states, that married a mexican man. They could barely speak to one another when they fell in love. LOL! He spoke spanish, and she engilish.
She started watching the mexican television out of Houston all day long. She said she picked up the language quickly that way, and she began to teach her husband english.
Asa is such a little charmer just as Grady and Hadley are. Their smiles are so captivating and contagious. Glad you had a break. I subbed half a day today - just after 2 days of school. Helen Robinson left to go to Kasey's college grad. I had Eli's first grade class. I hope to sub a lot this year. Love y'all!
you were in southlake and you didn't come and visit? :)
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