Sunday, November 04, 2007


It cracks me up when people tell me they don't have time to blog. I am guilty of doing the same thing. I have been known to tell people that I don't have time to scrapbook. What we really all mean is that we don't want to make the time for is not a priority. For me and scrapbooking it is actually more than me not making that a would be a health hazard for me to do that. I would be pulling out my hair and screaming bloody murder before I got my first page about a tedious activity for moi. Obviously many people LOVE it...I am not one of those people.

But, back to the point...I'm sure that is what people mean to say, right? Surely they don't think that I am just swimming in free time around here. Let's see...

1. I have 3 small children
2. I'm pregnant with a 4th
3. I just moved to a different country...lots of adaptations to make and new things to learn
4. I'm learning a new language
5. I am responsible for keeping us fed which means meal planning, shopping, and the cooking
6. cooking involves much more creativity here...much more 'cooking from scratch'
7. cooking also means cleaning that is also a bit more time-consuming since there are not dishwashers
8. I am responsible for keeping us clothed, which means making sure that our children's clothes fit, which means frequently (too frequently) going through closets, pulling non-fitting clothes out, finding in storage the fitting clothes, sorting through those, putting fitting clothes in the closets, organizing and storing the pulled-out clothes
9. that also includes laundry of there are no 30 minute cycles on the washing machines...I am going Wonder Woman speed if I'm able to wash 3 loads a day (takes literally all day long to do that); of course that doesn't include drying, which is done by hanging on a line...much more time-consuming than throwing in a dryer
10. that also means folding/hanging the clean clothes back in the closets...time consuming for a family of 5
11. I am responsible for training and disciplining the children, while Joel isn't here that is (which is most of the time, as is the case for most daddies in the world due to work)...also very time-consuming; training them to put their toys away and how to do it, training them in working, training them in how to relate to each other, etc.

There is a plethora of different jobs I am responsible for. I'm sure you can ALL RELATE. You have some of the same responsibilities.

We all have choices as to how to spend our time that we do have when not fulfilling our duties. Some people get their nails done once a week...I don't do that. Some people have a weekly go-out-with-friends night...I don't do that. Some people get their hair done every month or 6 weeks...I haven't had my hair cut or trimmed since last December.

It seriously makes me smile when someone tells me they don't have time for this or that. I know I do it too...say the same thing sometimes about certain things. I'm sure I will continue to say that's just what we say. But, really...what we all mean is that it's not a priority. I mean, we all literally have the same amount of time, right? Blogging is a priority for me, as I'm sure you can tell and understand. Since I am a pretty relational creature, I want to know about others and I want others to know about me...and be able to see my kids even if they don't see them in person often. Reading someone's blog is like being able to go have dinner with them and catch up with them, even though that's not really what I'm doing. I'd love to be able to do that, but obviously can't...not even possible even if I didn't live in Brasil.

Don't feel bad if you don't blog...that isn't what this is about. You do other things with your time. But, I just wanted to reassure you...I'm not sitting down here twiddling my thumbs, oozing with extra time. :) Just a clarification for you. It's all about priorities.


Amber said...

Kudos to you, Michawn for all the extra work you have to do, compared to how easy it is for us slackers in the States! However I do seem to remember you saying you don't have enough time to blog about how you and Joel met! Still waiting:)

Stephanie said...

I have a feeling that the amount of free time I have will be changing in about 5 monthss!

Leah said...

Blogging for me is less of a priortity than it is an outlet. I enjoy blogging, even if others don't like what I have to say--which has been the case recently.
I'm glad you blog. And through your blog I've been able to read blogs of other folks from etbu.
It's always exciting to 'catch up' even if it's not in person.
We will all feel so much closer when we do see one another again. It wont be that awkward, "Whatcha been doin'?" thing we often do.
bless you and your family as you struggle in a new country and new everything. God bless your family as you grow as well.
I love you.

Anonymous said...

Good point Michawn :) I think the rest of us truly take it for granted how much modern technology keeps us in contact with oneanother. Thank you for making blogging a priority.. I don't know what I'd do without my Michawn fix :) and as far as vacations go, I can relate on not having them... and I'd like to say that I'm flying down in a few months, but I 'm actually going on my first vacation in January with Seven. WE're going skiing.. It will be my first time to ski and to see more than 3 inches of snow! I know - it doesn't compare to coming to see you, I totally agree. Maybe my summer vacation can be coming to see you... LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Praying for the vacation annointing and God's rest to come "upon" you. :)

Michawn said... are funny. I promise...soon...really.

Michawn said...

OH...and to further clarify,'s a long one. It will be at least a 3-part series to do it any kind of justice. So, that's kind of why it hasn't gotten done yet. Sorry. Soon.

Unknown said...

I think you sit around?!!? Kidding! Three is fun but its busy...I have trouble finding time to run errands these is just so much less about me and so much more about the little ones, ya know! Can't imagine pregnancy too! You're a super mom Michawn!

Anonymous said...

You certainly are right about running a household being a full time job! At least you don't have a sidewalk that is a part of your home that 'needs' to be swept every day. Do all the children nap at the same time in the afternoon? Do you and Joel make time for date nights? When your children are raised, trained and released to God's purposes you don't want to be looking at a stranger across the table. MAKE time with all the busy ness of parenting to keep your love relationship alive. It does take effort but your children will be all the richer b/c of the love they see between the two of you. I love seeing all the fotos of you, Joel and the children!Keep it up! Love you all! Do you plan some sort of Thanksgiving celebration? Love, Pam

Amanda said...

I'm glad you read our blog! Sometimes it's just nice to know someone is reading it. Then we get encouraged to have something to say!

Michawn said...

I'm not a super mom. If I am, we all are. Well, yeah...maybe we all are, right? :) I truly wasn't trying to fish for compliments or anything...but, thank you all so much for the encouragement.

Mrs. Pam, I totally agree with you...and disagree. Agree with everything you said except the part about running a household being a full time job. I personally think (and have always thought, even before kids...just observing others) that it's at least 3 full time jobs...chef, maid, and teacher. Then add on the part time jobs that go along with those full time jobs...nurse, motivational speaker, etc. Yep, busy people, those mamas. ;)