Every Monday morning Asas has a corporate worship and prayer time, usually with a speaker. The speaker they had today is actually a fellow student of Joel's. He just got back from a trip to the Manaus area, pronounced muh-nouse (rhymes with mouse). Manaus is one of the places that we might be sent to.
Asas was doing an AMDE outreach up in that area (this includes medical, dental, and evangelism). Joel's fellow student, Eber, is actually a dentist. He and his wife moved here to join Asas following the call God placed on their hearts to serve here. So, he gave up his practice and came (they are both Brazilian). They were short a dentist last week in Manaus, so they asked him to go.
They were also supposed to have a certain evangelist join them there, but he had to bail at the last minute. In his place though, he sent someone else. Eber and the others got to the airport to pick up this guy's replacement and they waited and waited. They finally came to realize that their guy was there the whole time. They didn't recognize him. Why? They didn't know they were supposed to be looking for a 15-yr. old. They all thought, "what the heck?"
Eber said though that they learned a great deal last week about judging. Their first thoughts when they saw this young guy was bewilderment as to why this other evangelist had sent him. They were thinking they were going to have to basically "babysit" all week long. He said that they were so wrong. This kid BLEW them away. The things he did with the people, the games he played with the kids...crowds were just drawn to him, eager to learn more about Jesus because of this 15-yr. old. Joel said Eber showed a picture of this huge crowd of people just lined all around. Eber said, "You think this would be a picture of the crowds waiting for medical and dental attention. Nope. This crowd was drawn by that kid."
Amazing. I bawled as Joel told me that story. I'm bawling now as I type this. Joel said that he would love to meet that kid. I said that I would love to meet his parents. Of course sometimes a person is called and used by God in incredible ways even when they have loser parents. But also sometimes a person like this is helped to become like this greatly by his parents. What did they do to encourage these gifts and talents? When did they first notice these things about their son and how did they facilitate growth in those areas? I'm intrigued. Of course, they could be great parents and still be just as surprised and as intrigued as I am at the things their son is allowing God to accomplish through him. You never know. But, I wonder.
I wonder because of course I think, what if when that kid was 3, he was just like Grady? What if my son or daughter will be the equivalent of the next Billy Graham or Corrie ten Boom? It's so exciting to think of what they will be and what they will become. Of course they don't have to be what we think of as "great" or "famous people after God"...like the Billy Grahams and others. I will be proud of them and love them no matter what of course. If they are running after God with all their hearts then my job will have been done successfully. But, it is exciting to think of all the potential there and it does motivate a mother to be on her toes when I hear a story like this one. It reminds me and excites me about really getting to know my kiddos...what makes them tick, what they are made for, what God has planned for them. So fun. So exciting. Such a great honor to be the one that has the ability to mold and shape. Scary that sometimes that same ability is misused and instead of molding and shaping, tearing down and incapacitating occurs, even though it may be done completely accidentally. I am up for this challenge and the fun ride God has for us with our kids...and of course He will guide our every step so that His purposes will prevail in our lives and the lives of our children! Awesome!!
Now for some pictures of these precious little people in our care (and lots of pictures at that...LOTS...so get ready...and as always, if you wish to enlarge the picture, just click on it)...
Remember the birthday party we went to a couple of weeks ago? This is the birthday girl, Ana Clara. The party was at the playground just up the hill from our house.
The kids...and check out that cake. Chocolate upon chocolate, with chocolate sprinkles...heaven for a pregnant girl. And to top it off...strawberries in that chocolate. Not a bad deal.
Princess, as the bib proclaims.
The baby is the birthday girl's little sister. The man in the stripes is our next-door neighbor, Andre. He lives to the right of us. He brought his little girl, Poliana...she is the smallest girl standing.
The kids playing.
One day when we (me and the kids) went up to the playground to hang out with everyone. Asa was not so sure about this very dark lady from Africa at first (not sure if it was her skin tone or her rowdiness), but quickly grew attached to her. I forgot her name, but she is C-R-A-Z-Y. I don't speak her language very well yet, but I could tell...hilarious and fun chic.
Always has a smile for the camera.
My new favorite picture of the kids. LOVE this picture! It really kind of shows their personalities I think...Grady the sweet little boy, Hadley the little stinker, and Asa the cheerful baby. We were all ready to go to our Independence Day celebration/BBQ at our neighbor's house. Tim and Tammy live to the left of us. They have 2 children who they adopted here. Ben is 14 I think, Rachel is 11 (I think...something like that).
What a cute little load, don't you think?
Walking in front of our house to get there. My family wondering why I'm taking frame-by-frame pictures. :) Asa's even pointing at me as if to say, "Who's that crazy lady?" :)
Hadley has become quite the poser. So funny. That is Sara with her. She will be 2 in December. They live 2 doors down from us, on the other side of Andre (the guy at the birthday party). Her dad is from the UK and her mom is Brazilian but went to the UK for college. So, when her mom speaks english it is in a british accent of course...and of course the little girl has a cute little accent as well. It's funny...when Brazilians hear our kids speaking english, they always talk about how cute it is to hear little kids speaking in english. I'm like, that's weird. But, I do the same thing...I think this little girl speaking in her cute little british accent is so cute. Funny the way we are.
Yes, and the posing continues. :) Also, this little chic never keeps a pair of shoes on.
The guy with the striped shirt is Tim. The guy in red is his brother. The other guy is Terry, the guy from the UK.
Ummm, where's Asa? :) Love those cute little legs and feet sticking out. Notice the doll in the crib with her (at her covered up head)...she loves it. It was mine when I was a little girl. And my Aunt Marilyn has gotten both the girls the same line of doll already for their own enjoyment. Isn't that cool?
Don't you just love this chair? I do too. My uncle gave it to me when I was a wee tot like my kiddos. Now, here it is, all the way in Brasil being played with by my kids. How fun.
MEXICAN NIGHT at the VanBeveren's...woohoo!! Thanks Steve and Kristin...it was yummy!!
Grady and his friend Michael.
Asa happy as a lark. Unfortunately, either right before this was taken or right after, she broke one of their really nice decorations...a really nice one (probably fine crystal or something)...eeek! Some people's kids. So sad, but they were totally great about it. We have plenty of stories like that. Stuff like that is bound to happen when you have all these toddlers running around at once.
Hadley and her friend, Maira. Yep, they had a video on...Hadley's eyes are nowhere near looking at me. :)
All ready for dessert...the kids all decked out in their hats.
Helping Mama make wipes.
Enjoying one of Daddy's bird baths. She was trying so hard to grab the water...and was having a blast.
Lovin' from Asa.
Nothing like sisters.
Helping Daddy do dishes. This has become the assembly line and the kids love doing it. They take such pride in their work. Hadley is the master rinser. Grady is the master dryer and stacker...and of course the overseer of Hadley's rinsing skills. He's pretty meticulous. And Hadley is very teachable. They work very well together.
Gorgeous...just gorgeous. Wearing the cute little dress that Grandma made for Hadley last year.
Your kids are so precious. I'm SO thankful to get to see them grow through your blog. :) WOW! I want to meet that 15 year old too!!!! And just think... we make the same impact on the kingdom when we use our gifts and are obedient. :) God is good. love you my friend.
Making wipes??? What kind and what are the ingredients? VERY INTERESTING:) Your family and all of your experiences are BEAUTIFUL!
Thanks Michawn for reminding me of why I have always wanted to be a mommy and what kind of mom I always dreamed of being. What a challenge! What an adventure! What a blessing!!
Loved the pictures. Your kids are precious!
Absolutely adorable! Okay, so while I'm here, I wanted to invite you over to my blog so you can take part in my "What am I having" poll.
So skip on over and vote: Boy, Girl, or Not Sure!
Love ya.
Oh! that there may be millions of other moms, along with you, who embrace motherhood and the vision as you so aptly declared it over the disciples God has given you (and Joel). The times you feel tired and worn out, His Grace will be sufficient for you and you will not get tired in well doing. . . In time to come you will be rewarded by seeing your children grow in your strengths and grow and go beyond where you have gone in Him b/c His will is ever unfolding in each new season and each new generation.
Hey! Hadley and Trinity have something else in common other than being in the same Bradley Method class - I can't keep shoes on Trinity either! I'm thinking her first Iowa winter should change that quickly. :)
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