Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Peeks and Parties

We got our first peek at our wee one today. Yep, I had my first OB appointment today.

First I went to the OB's office. This lady is a friend of Kristin's from church and has been working 30 years. Let's just say she's delivered a lot of babies. But, she just recently stopped delivering babies and gone straight to doing only gynecological care. So, basically she was just doing Kristin a favor and seeing me just this once. She did her exam and felt like I was probably about 10 weeks or so. I had suspected that I was about 9 or 10 weeks along...11 maybe, 12 at the most, from what I could figure or imagine given my symptoms and such. So, 10 weeks sounded right to me. Everyone here is so relational, even the doctors. So, they spend tons of time with you and answer all your questions...and just chat. You really only get that from a midwife type in the states. Not that there aren't good, caring doctors in the states, but they are just super busy and just not as relational. So, that was nice. She ordered an ultrasound for me, thanked her, and left.

A fun story: Grady got to go with us to the "baby doctor." It was really special for him to get to go on the big boy outing. Kristin met us there...our first OB visit here and she's had children here...she knew lots of great questions to ask about birthing here. So she came with her 2 kiddos in tow. During the visit when we were just chatting with the Dr., I heard Grady saying to Michael, "I'm just here waiting on Mama to get the baby out of her belly." So cute. We had actually explained to him what we were doing...and how very long it would be until the baby made its appearance. But, apparently it was to no avail. Anyhoo, we explained more and he seems to have remembered and really gotten it now.

We went to one of the ultrasound places and were actually able to get one done today, after a good bit of waiting. Eliane was with the girls so we could do that, thank goodness. Grady was great...of course it helped that they had a movie playing in the waiting room. We are in the middle of fasting movies for a while (with the kids), so of course he was glued since he hasn't seen a moving screen in a few days. :) He's so fun these days though...even when he wasn't watching, he just played with his cars or had a very thorough, intelligent, lengthy conversation with us. He's very grown up now. As he says, he's "big and big." I think that means that he's getting bigger and bigger. Cute.

Anyway, the ultrasound room was really nice. The radiologist studied at Harvard and spoke English to me the whole time, explaining everything...English is always a rare added bonus. The baby looks so super cute already of course, was moving around alot, and is totally healthy from what can be seen in an ultrasound. The main reason we were needing an ultrasound at this point was to be able to determine a due date...see how far along I am. The ultrasound actually showed that I am 13 1/2 weeks along! I asked him if it could be possible that I am actually 10 weeks along with just a baby measuring bigger. Oh...and the OB that I saw just happened to walk over and was able to come in and see the ultrasound too...it was cool how that worked out. They both said no...that the ultrasound was pretty accurate, esp. at this point in the pregnancy. So, my due date is now officially March 22nd. They said that the ultrasound prediction has a margin of error of 5 days or so. So...you know...somewhere around the end of March we will have a baby I guess.

So weird...I was at first thinking about a month after that...I was sure it was April sometime. I told Joel, this is the way to do a pregnancy. Just today, about a month was shaved off my pregnancy in my mind. Nice!!

We came home and ate supper really quick and then went to a friend's house for a birthday party. One of Joel's fellow students, Rodrigo, had invited us over. His wife, Laila, turned 26 today. It was a really fun time. They have 2 boys...Lucas is 3 and Andre is 3 months. There were about 10 people there...all really fun people...lots of joking and laughing. Fun times.

Now, I'm off to bed. I also had 2 1/2 hours of Portuguese class this morning...I'm pooped. Goodnight.


kris said...

any feeling on what you are having?

Michawn said...

not really. i want a boy, just for grady and all. but, we all know how my last hunch turned out. :) i was right with the first 2, but dead wrong with asa, so who knows. hope it's a boy, but will be perfectly happy with either of course. it's really cute, whatever it is...moving around, stretching it's little arms over its head. funny. i forgot to say this too...it's measuring 7.3 cm. and the heart rate was 150. oh, and we got a dvd which we will add the other ultrasound(s) to...apparently you get an average of 4 ultrasounds here for some crazy reason. not that we'll do that, but we'll at least get one more.

Stephanie said...

oh, I am so happy to hear the little one is doing well and moving around. You're 13 1/2 weeks!! We are just so close! I am 12 wks 3 days and they say I am due March 30th or April 1st (depending on who you are talking to...my ob or my fertility doc). How much fun to have babies so close to each other!! Fun times to come!!

js said...

That's so exciting! I bet is was refreshing to speak English during your sono. Keep us posted! Are you really tired since you're still in your 1st trimester?

Anonymous said...

Wow, your pregnancy is going so fast...way to fast forward through a whole month! :) Sounds like a fun Dr's appt and sonogram.

Leah said...

Oh, I love that first ultrasound. did you get to hear the heart beat, or tdid I just not read it all?
anyway, my doctor in Longview was like that. She would spend about 45 minutes just chattiing with me. her name is Linda Boggs, she is a PNP, and I just loved her.

Nicole said...

God totally hooked you up! I am sooo excited! Mel is due sometime in March too! Two grand babies in one month...man I am feeling old! :)
love you

Cristie said...

Wonderful! I think it is really cool how close yours and Steph's due dates are. I can't wait until we can all get back together. It will be quite the reunion!