I can't believe I have a 4-year old. But, I do. Yes, as of 7:09 this morning, Grady is 4 years old.
Even 3 years old didn't seem so old. But, kids who are 4 do things like go to preschool. 4 just seems way older than 3 to me. I know...people have kids who are now 7 or 12 or 23 or even 40 something (gasp!!). :-) But, yeah...I'm having a little difficulty with the 4 thing. It was also fun to have a 3-yr. old, a 2-yr. old, and a 1-yr. old. That is no longer...and it will never happen for our family again where we have children in sequential ages like that.
But, on to Grady, the birthday boy...
OH MY GOSH!! I love this boy!! He's so great. He's super sweet and lots of fun. He tends to be more reserved than his sisters, is very thoughtful about the things he does and says, and let me just tell you...this kid is clean and orderly. One day a couple of weeks ago, I had some laundry I was going through on the couch. This particular pile had, yes...been there a couple of days. Grady is very helpful anyway, but I think he was just tired of seeing the disorder too. He came and told me that he could put his clothes away himself. Nice. At first I was leary, but I needn't fear. I went to his closet and it had been completely redone. He had taken each pile and put it exactly where he wanted them to be...it was superbly done. Then, he proceeded to climb up to hang up his own shirts. He moved all of the unused hangers to the left side of his closet and put all the shirts on the right. I got a shirt down for him a couple of days ago and just took it off the hanger. He kindly informed me that I needed to move the hanger over to the left side of the closet. Hilarious!! Of course I obeyed. I am NOT going to thwart this behavior in any way, let me tell you. It might actually get a little irritating sometimes. For instance, today he asked me what we were going to do with the Christmas tree. I told him nothing right now. He told me, "Well, I don't want it just there." Translation: "Come on now, Christmas is over...let's get this house back in order." :-) I am not a slob...but, I do think that he took more after his father in that area (I tend to be a little more "relaxed"). Still, I plan to put this particular trait to good use for the next 18 years or so. What a great role model and example he will be to the rest of the children. :-)
Although he can be more pensive and serious, he is a hoot too. Some of the things he says are hilarious. He loves to pick around and laugh. He has the greatest laugh. He continues to be VERY social. At church the other night, one of the college-age girls came and told me that when he grows up he's going to be a supermodel. She said that she took her camera out with all of her friends and he turned on the charm. He loves playing games. Grady still loves his movies, that's for sure. But, really he is into everything these days...playing outside, doing activity books, doing "school," reading books, playing with his sisters, pretending he is a knight fighting soldiers to rescue the princess (that would be Hadley), he and Hadley like to run from the "monster" (that would be Eissa...she doesn't get it yet, so she loves it...runs after them just laughing her head off...we already limit that game, but when she gets older it will probably be eliminated altogether). Grady is just a great all-around kid.
We will be having a birthday party for him on Saturday. I had asked him what kind of party he wanted. He proceeded to tell me that he wanted "ummmm, a blue party, a red party, a green party, a skateboard party, a superman party, a bunny rabbit party, a frog party, a sword and horsey party..." It went on and on like that every time I asked him. :-) So funny. Well, we finally just gave him options ourselves. I asked him if he wanted an airplane, cars, or sword and horse party. He said he wanted a sword and horse party, so he could fight the soldiers and rescue the princess. Well, he also got a Cars movie, small dry-erase board, and Lightning McQueen car for Christmas from our friends Thad and Wendy Cooper and their family. He is SUPER into that now since he got those gifts. Well, I realized that night that I'd said "Cars" party instead of what he calls it..."Lightning McQueen." So, although I personally preferred the sword and horse party (I'm not into character-type themes for parties, nurseries, etc.)...well, it's not my party. So the next day I gave him his options again and instead of saying "Cars" I said "Lightning McQueen." Lightning McQueen it is. So we will be having a Cars birthday party on Saturday at 3pm at the seminary playground. Stop by if you can. :-)
We love our little Grady Lester Ebersole who is no longer little...definitely a big boy now. Happy 4th Birthday, Grady!!
Yes, Grady certainly is a fine boy. I laugh when I read what he did with his clothing, I sounds just like me. My sisters couldn't put my clothes away properly, I always had to make them neater.
To this day I like to organize. Putting things in order.
Some in my Mon's family are perfectionist. Which I don't wish on anyone. Thank God for Pam she has balanced me out.
Happy Birthday Grady! Such a big boy you are with such a tender heart! Such a good-looking kid with a great smile, too!
I hope one of my kids will like to clean too, like Grady does! So far it hasn't happened. They feel the most comfortable with every toy on the floor while shuffling through them with their feet.
And I love how my oldest is imagining so much now, too. He put all his toys in time-out this morning. Don't know what they did, but they must have deserved it! Sometimes he imagines we are all different people than we actually are and assigns our roles accordingly. Other times he is being chased by a monster or giant. Mostly he creates new songs that tell the story of his life for the day. (A little of Mommy in him there.)
I loved hearing about Grady and imagining our boys being friends! Maybe someday if God allows.
Your kids are so sweet...and entertaining!
Happy Birthday Grady!!
Well, Michawn, I'll have to be perfectly honest - I don't remember any of my children organizing their closets. It was always a dream of mine - I even tried it - to have the empty hangers in one place and the clothes on the other side. I think all three of you have been "relaxed". But it okay to be relaxed too. Aunt Ann always said those things that won't be important or make a difference 20 years from now are not important at the moment. I should have been more relaxed about more of those things. Grady will make a very good husband to some lucky girl some day. Grady is loving and kind with a great big heart. A good big brother! Grady, Granny loves you very much! Happy 4th birthday!
He is adorable! By the way...the KFC here is not the same if it makes you feel any better. They don't even have mashed potatoes and gravy or biscuits. What??!!! I know what you mean about "needing" something as soon as you can't have it. Oh what I wouldn't give for a sandwich from Chic-fil-A!
I know exactly how you feel, Michawn! My only son will also turn 4 on the 10th of this month! There is definitely a BIG difference between 3 and 4! I find myself grieving the loss of my baby!
Happy Birthday Grady:)
My little premie will turn 9 in April! Gasp! We've always had a two year gap between ages, that wont happen after Sofia is born. When Levi turns 3, we will have 9, 7, 5, 3 and 6 months. Awww!
No big deal though, #2 and #3 were 2 1/2 years apart, so I knew another set at 2 1/2 years apart would mess up my neat two year age gap.
Praise God for those gaps though!
Happy Birthday Grady! Can't believe you are a '4' year old! Have fun at your 'Cars' party! Wish we could join you for some birthday fun! :)
I can't take my eyes off this picture. He is SO HANDSOME!!! I bet he has the gray eyes of Felton Grady Madden. I think I was always told they were a blue/gray. This boy is charming. And knowing how sweet he is makes him even more charming. Love you this -------------------------------------------------------much, Grady!!!!
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