Calling all prayer warriors: A great friend of mine, Ashley Guilbert, has a new little nephew. Breanne, her sister, had Garrison on Valentine's Day. The sweet little guy was 16 weeks early. He weighed in at 1 pound 6 ounces and was about 12 inches long. He is in a major battle. He has gained some weight, but now, at 5 weeks old, he is fighting off three major infections.
Please pray for Garrison and for his mom Breanne and for all of the Guilbert family. You can go to their website for more info. and pictures.
The picture is of Breanne holding Garrison's hand for the first time, at one week old.
Olá Michawn´s!
Obrigado! A sua família é muito linda. Sou fã nº1 do teu marido e de toda família Ebersole!
Deus foi maravilhoso comigo, pois me concedeu a graça de conhecê-los e aprender com eles, muita coisa do que sei hoje.
O que está em volta da minha filha é apenas uma manta, uma coberta bem enrrolada.
Eu estou me estabilizando financeiramente e logo quero ser um dos mantenedores da missão de vocês no Brazil!
Um grande beijo a todos!
I'll be praying for that sweet little baby.
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