Monday, August 21, 2006

Giving Up

And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for My sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will have eternal life. -Matthew 19:29

About 6 years ago, this became one of my "life verses." Actually, it is probably my most favorite and most prominent life verse. The spring of 2000 was the start of this verse being true in my life...the giving up part, and also the receiving a hundred times more part. God is faithful and His Word is true.

Lately I've been feeling like we are living smack-dab in the middle of that verse. Tomorrow is no different. We are headed to Brazil. Please remember to keep us in your prayers concerning our future and our time with the organization that we will possibly be going with there. Also, remember us as we are away from our kids for the first time...and for 6 days. And remember them too. Thank you.

Here we go.

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