Saturday, January 04, 2020

Understanding Abuse

I found a teaching last year that perfectly explains exactly what happens in the dynamic of hidden/covert abuse.  Please please listen to this teaching and learn about this issue (link to teaching video below).

In my situation specifically, the details are a little different than the norm.  There are definite nuances that apply.  I am providing the notes I took while going through this teaching (several times) that specify exactly what happened in my situation, and how this teaching applies to that.  (These notes were written for use in counseling and elsewhere, so you will see the writing style is just conversational with Joel and our counselor.)

I don't know which you want to do first...the video or the notes.  If you want to know more specifically about what happened in MY situation, the notes are very important for that as, again, there are some pretty significant differences in my specific situation vs. the 'norm' presented in the teaching.  That is, the principles still apply, but how that was/is lived out in my situation is different than the norm.

But, the main principles of the teaching are important to hear and understand.  I hope and pray that this is something that EVERYONE begins to learn and understand.  Everyone in the church, everyone who has a female loved one, everyone in society...but especially pastors, so that they can lead the way in the major reform that is needed in this area.

Teaching video:

The notes I took about how it applies to our situation:

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