Gillian worked at the nearby orphanage while she was here. I went too on her last day and took some pictures of her with the kids. I have to say that I fell IN LOVE with one particular little boy. I even have a name for him...but I won't divulge. We are really feeling the pull to adopt these days. But, of course, we can't. We haven't done any of the required things in order to be able to adopt here...and I don't even have my driver's license for heaven's sake. Yep...I'm a totally illegal driver (we started the process last summer, but it just takes forever to get anything done here). It's just not the right timing for it quite yet and we know that...but, our hearts are being stirred, that's for sure.
There is another thing, though, that hinders EVERYONE here in Anapolis from adopting. That is the judge. We talked to Agda, the director of the orphanage, about the status of the kids there. She said the problem is that some come in as newborns (there were 2 new ones that had come in that past was a preemie newborn and the other was just a few months old) and that is the prime time to be able to adopt them out (everyone wants babies), but they can't. Why? Even when there is no family to contact and/or all family has relinquished rights, the judge just lets the paperwork sit on his desk, doing nothing about it at all. That INFURIATES me. These kids are losing their only chance at having a home because some big shot doesn't care. I'm crying big frustration tears as I type this.
This is a land where people in power do what they want to do at the expense of those all around them (with no power). Corruption runs rampant. The 'nobodies' of society...truly nobody in every sense of the word.
Agda says it wasn't always so here. Each city has its own judge and that judge is over the adoption process paperwork. Therefore, no adoption goes through without going through the judge. She said that although this judge takes years to get paperwork done (and by that time, usually nobody wants to adopt the kids, who are no longer babies), the judge before this one was very speedy. Unfortunately, there is no set term for a judge...when one gets comfortable where he is, Agda said they usually stay for a very long time.
Please pray with us. Pray that either God would change the heart of this judge or that WHATEVER needs to be done to get this guy out of power, it would be done. Pray that if we are supposed to DO anything, we would know exactly what to do and how to go about doing it (we believe God already gave Joel one we have to have wisdom as to how to go about it). Pray for Agda...what a heart she has for what she does. Please pray for the kids of this orphanage. How heartbreaking that even if someone wanted to adopt them, they just couldn't. Just pray!
He is adorable! And I'm furious as well. Coming from the developmental background, I worry about these kids have difficulty attaching when they get older. I'll definitely be praying for this judge. He's disgusting.
Awww!!!! He is so precious...that smile would draw me to him too! I will be praying!! How someone could just ignore these children and the hope for a home and the joy that a family would give them just blows my mind! You guys are awesome! I'm so encouraged by your passion and heart for the Lord.
Oh that makes me sick. I'll be praying- as soon as I get over being mad. :) What a sweet little baby. So glad you get to spend time there with those sweet kids.
I know this isn't the point of the blog, but do you guys have an international driver's license? We got ours at a AAA office in the States and we use it all the time. I'm pretty sure it is good in Brasil as well. You can apply for it by mail. It's good to have as ID and should an accident happen or something.
I'll be praying for God to move this judge's heart! That little boy is so cute! I hope you guys get to adopt soon! Keep us updated! Neat God provided a big enough vehicle with room enough for another little Ebersole!
~ Ali
Hey Michawn, sounds like the same situation we have here in the USA. Lots of power and corruption at the top and those folks are only in it for themselves once they get a taste of Washington, DC, no matter how GOOD they were prior to being elected. Power corrupts totally! But God told us that in the Bible anyway when he was teaching us about taking care of those less fortunate and when he did some parables and delt with the rich man. It is not easy to get to adopt in the States unless you are rich or unless you are willing to be a foster parent and risk the hearbreak of having one sent out from you to the bad situation he came from. Now that I am working in Shreveport, I am amazed every day with the needs of the people there for spiritual is rare to find a person that is dedicated to doing the work of Jesus in the manner he taught of love thy neighbor and share all that you have and look after the poor and the widowed. Most people have a great resentment for the poor and needy people and I here the comment that its just their tuff luck that they don't get a job and take care of themselves. Anyway, I just say my prayers and let the Lord try to steer me with his hand over my mouth so I don't blurt out the wrong things. Love seeing your beautiful family on Aunt Ann
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