Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Teach Us To Die

The other day, Grady was going around the house singing "Lord, teach us to die." Now, I thought that was what he was saying, but wasn't sure, so I asked him, "Grady, 'Lord, teach us to pray?'" His memory verse at church the night before had been something to that effect. He said, "No, 'Lord, teach us to die.'" Grasping at other possibilities, I said, "Grady, 'Lord, teach us to shine?'" He said, "No, 'Lord, teach us to die.'" He seemed to wonder why I kept questioning his song.

It was very interesting. It's a little strange at first to hear your 3-yr. old singing such a morbid thing. But, on the other hand, God quickly allowed me to see how very profound it was. Isn't that what we should be learning every day? It seems to me that selfishness is the root of most problems and bad situations...money problems, broken relationships, separation/divorce, etc. If we could just get that one little lesson down that Grady was singing about, what a better life we could be living!

I think sometimes God might whisper in their little ears some of the most profound things of all knowing that they will, in childlike faith, just repeat what they hear...and knowing that their parents are listening.

God, help us to die to our flesh, to our selfish desires today. Help us to remember the words of Grady's song forever.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Grady for that lesson. I can't but comment on Grady's song. For it is something that has been on my mind and also brought up lately in the teaching at church. Jesus said, to follow Him we need to take up our cross daily and follow Him. When we were baptized in water we were baptized into Christ, and were united with Him in His death, burial and resurrection.
Taking up our cross daily becomes the practical outworking of this tremendous truth, as we learn to let go of our will, and the desires of our body to do His will, as we learn to let go of our selfish desires to please our brother and sister putting others first. Thank you Grady

Anonymous said...

Wow, your little Grady is deep! Tell Grady his words were a perfect reminder for me today! :)

Anonymous said...

I wanted to wish you a "Happy Anniversary" and "Happy Valentine Day". Hope you and Joel got a chance to get away for a little date night together...especially with family living so close!