We had SUCH A WONDERFUL day with Eissa a couple of weeks ago on her birthday. First of all, our church was having a weekend retreat. We had already planned to go out there to join them on Saturday, so it worked out great to add in a little birthday celebration with them all while there. Fun!! Our church is so loving and adores our kiddos. We are so blessed by them always. They have totally welcomed us in and been our family away from home.
We had lunch with our church peeps and played around with them at the retreat center place...swimming, games, hanging out. Then it was back to town we went. For...
Oh, I'll tell you all about the rest of the day next time. ;)
For now, lots of fun videos and pictures of part of our fun Eissa day...LOTS. So, here goes...
Cass with Stefanie, one of our pastor's daughters (he has 3)...great, great girls! Chatting with friends. Just total 3-year old cuteness. Totally surprised that they all started singing Happy Birthday to her after the prayer for lunch. This picture doesn't show it, but she was really smiling and liking it. Our little table at lunch. Lunchtime. Posing. We had brought ice cream for everyone to join in a little party with us after lunch. Parabens pra voce! Listening to everybody sing to her. :) Love her cute little grin here. She had just blown it out...I missed it. Our pastor, Pastor Ismael. The other October babies that were there, our friends Natalia and Neemias, and Eissa getting prayed for. I was so glad to use up all of our party hats that we've collected over the past couple of years. ;) Some little kids won't use them, but teenagers will always throw one on. ;) :) Cass with our pastor's wife, Ester...one of the most caring ladies you'll ever meet. Love her. Mmmmmm! They had such a great spot for the kids to play and swim. A great little simple kiddie pool. They loved it!! Some diving instruction. Although don't worry...we had a good talk about how he couldn't really dive a big dive in that shallow water (I had MANY paralyzed people as patients in my very short career as a nurse). "I don't think so, Mama. Not today." Playing footsie with Daddy. Cute little feet. ;) He can walk on water! ;) She loves the water. She even loves to be dunked...head all the way under. She comes up laughing. ;) Funny. Beautiful 3 year old. No Brazilian outing is complete without a little soccer thrown in. Eissa getting some alone time in the pool with her friends. Hadley was catching some rays, getting a little Vitamin D. Mmmm. I think she might be a little bit like her Mama...she loves to lay in the sun. The cute little chapel there on the grounds. Everyone gathered there to play some games. The smiles got bigger and bigger. ;) Ahh...she's so much fun. Cass dancing to some music being played. This girl can get down and crazy. ;) Ha ha ha.
Our celebration with friends from church. Here, Eissa is sung to, some other friends who have October birthdays come up, and Pastor Ismael prays for them all.
Swimming with friends.
Swimming with friends some more. ;)
Cass loves to dance. If music is playing, she is moving. It's so funny and cute.
I am...Michawn. I am married to Joel. He is a pilot/mechanic. We have 4 fabulous kiddos...Grady (13), Hadley (12), Eissa (10 1/2), and Cass (9). See that picture up there? Yes, they've really grown up since then. :( Happens fast. I homeschool, which I *love*...wouldn't trade that time with them for anything. We lived in Brazil for 5 years, but almost 5 years ago moved back to the United States. The 'Joel. Michawn.' blog series explains all of that. We still serve with Asas de Socorro (Wings of Help), a Brazilian mission organization...we just now do it remotely. We are still excited about what God has for us and this blog is still a great way for you to see it all daily unfold...but a lot has happened in the past five years. That is what is currently being written about. (This little blip updated in March 2017)
I am passionate about Jesus, my children, reaching others with Jesus' true love and grace, equality for all, and adoption, along with a few other things. :) Praying I do all that God has for me to do in this life.