Monday, March 29, 2021

This Is What Destroyed My Family

I haven't posted here in a long time.  A lot has happened in over a year.  You can see what came of trying to reason with unsafe people in the last few entries here.  I just really didn't have any more to say here after that.  (I say a LOT on my Facebook page, but not here.)

Today I made this post and I thought it was important enough to share here.  

Often people ask me what 'complementarianism' is...what am I always talking about? It's this...

In complementarianism:
-men and women have distinct roles in both home and society
-men take the leadership role as the authoritative head of the home
-women take the supporting, submissive role, and are not to usurp the authority of men
-in decision-making, women might give input, but men have the final word
-if there is disagreement about how to move forward, men have the tie-breaking vote

Period. No nuances. This is the law.

This is literally what destroyed my family. I physically could not do what my husband was saying we should do, and because of that, I was accused of trying to usurp his authority and not being a holy, Biblical wife. As his family/mentors told him, I had given myself over to the devil. All because I couldn't physically keep going when he wanted to keep going.

**He is still using the same mentality with our daughters, trying to demand they do things they don't want to do. Trying to demand they do things that make them feel unsafe. It's a narcissist-breeding theology.

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