Sunday, December 29, 2019

Rock Bottom

In situations like mine this is the reality of the situation.  

Back in January/February a friend of ours was trying desperately to help Joel. He would say things like "You just need to hit rock bottom. I hate that for you, but I think that's what it's going to take...for you to lose everything before you realize the truth here, and realize what you have done to your wife and kids."

And, because I've been going through this for years, nothing in the world sounded better to me for that to happen, for his rock bottom to come.  But sadly I knew what had been proven over and over...that he won't ever hit rock bottom. 
1) He refuses to go deep at he won't ever bump into the bottom or truth, 
2) he feels NOTHING, so that's another reason that won't work, and 
3) he and his family of choice will never leave their stance of blaming me for this instead of seeing the truth about themselves.  If they have been shown all the clear evidence for years, and have NO evidence of their own to back up what they say, and yet they STILL believe that I'm the problem here...then no, they will never believe truth.

They don't 'hate' me, although they walk in the opposite of love.  And their 'narcissism' is a learned narcissism backed up by their detrimental theological beliefs.  But, the words in the meme are very, very true.

When you have people who have zero empathy, and therefore zero emotions based in empathy, they just don't hit that rock bottom that others eventually get to.

It's so scary and challenging for this to be the reality of what the kids and I have to deal with daily.

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