Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Your Mind and Your Brain

I love Joyce. After I posted my last post the other day, I've been watching these videos over the last couple of days. So very interesting. If you find yourself in a place where you do not want to be, if you find yourself wishing that your life was different, take the time to watch these. Then really get on your face before God and ask Him to help you to apply these principles. And drastically change your life.

Your Mind is the Battlefield - Part 1

Your Mind is the Battlefield - Part 2

The lady that Joyce is talking to here is so very interesting. I had the pleasure of hearing her speak in person at a conference I went to while in the states. You have to really listen closely when she speaks because she is just so very passionate about what she's talking about. It's nearly impossible to take notes when in her sessions. Hahaha. She speaks in one big run-on sentence and doesn't take a breath. But, UH-MAZING what she has to say. God is simply incredible...and so is the way He made our bodies. Love how science even shows that. her accent. ;)

Your Brain and You - Part 1

Your Brain and You - Part 2

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