Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Completely Disconnected

I'm running out the door at my Granny's house here, but just wanted to at least fill you in a bit.

We got into a house about a week and a half ago. It's been pretty smooth. Really busy, really crazy, and really cold (resulting in some busted and frozen pipes), but we love our little house. I'll tell you more about it later.

We've done lots there already, including having 2 parties...one being Grady's birthday party. He's 6 now...more on that at another time too.

The big thing related to me and you all is that we have no internet. We do have very limited dial-up, but I have yet to use it...we can only be online 10 hours a month. There is no available high speed. But, we are hoping to figure something out in that area soon. There is also no available AT&T cell phone coverage to speak of...except in that one area on the couch. ;) And that's fickle.

So, yeah...totally disconnected, but we're doing well. Thanks for praying. There have been a few definite hardships and trials, but we are thankfully (hopefully) on the other side of some of them now for the most part.

So...other than the occasional Facebook status when I have to run to Wal-Mart in a nearby town (in. the. country.), you haven't heard from me. We hope to figure out a way of communicating more efficiently with you all soon. It's almost to the point where high speed internet is no longer a luxury, but a necessity...banking, bills, communication with family and friends and coworkers in Brazil, homeschooling. But, so far we are managing without it. Pray that we can figure something out soon though...if not, we'll just make due while we are here. We laugh about how we went from a 3rd world country where we do have high speed internet and cell phone service to a 3rd world town in the states where we don't have those things. Ha ha ha.

We do love where we live...that's the only drawback. So, hope to see you more often soon. If not though, at least now you know why.

The kids are great. Started homeschooling again yesterday...the 2 older ones are now in Kindergarten. Hadley is learning to read this year. Fun stuff.

We're enjoying being here for all of my little brother's basketball games his senior year and really spending as much time with him as possible.

Have a couple of speaking dates already set and are ironing out travel dates. Will keep you posted. Thanks for your prayers.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, what do you use for hsing? We are using My Father's World now (1st grade, Jadon/son) and I have the kindy program to begin soon with Jamison/daughter.

Need to look into some math curriculum. Any suggestions?
