Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Stretching to Fit God's Heart

So much that could be posted about on this, memories, the funny/sweet/cute things the kids say. Our plans and upcoming trips and reports of those trips. Our ponderings about life and the big life questions that come up. Along with some answers sprinkled here and there. Joel's leaving on another trip...yes, before we've even updated the blog about the last one. And, maybe while he is gone, this ole blog will get some attention. But, for today...

Today this (Katie again...she always brings perspective...thank God for her stretch marks) and this...

Amazing video. Let us get our eyes off ourselves and onto the treasured ones of God. Instead of just singing about being His hands and feet, let us truly, really BE His hands that are reaching out to the fallen and needy and lonely. Let us be His feet that will GO to them, that will carry them, that will stand with them. Let us really care and be willing to do anything in order to be Jesus to them. Anything.


Haley said...

Seriously convicting. Thanks for sharing the video.

Ali said...

Thanks for the video! It was amazing and convicting!

Love ya!

~ Ali